The Agile Business Owner Academy

The ABO Academy is a pioneering initiative by SURYA Consulting, created in 2020 by Luiz C. Parzianello, our Chief Methodologist, to train leaders and managers as Business Owners, the true catalysts of Business Agility. With an evolutionary approach to management and leadership, called Agile Business Ownershipâ„¢, we promote the ability to plan and execute adaptive strategies that drive sustainable business growth and generate positive impact for all stakeholders. Join our community and start your journey of organizational transformation with the support of our executive education program.

Agile Business Ownershipâ„¢

Exclusive Methodology

The Framework for Agile Business Ownershipâ„¢ is designed to guide the professional development of leaders and managers in the context of Business Agility, offering a structured approach of values, principles, practices and competencies in leadership, strategy, portfolio, governance and execution (ambidextrous).

Executive Education

Professional Training

Our Executive Education Program offers courses, lectures, workshops and mentoring, serving professionals and companies in online and face-to-face formats, in open or customized in-company classes. We train managers and specialists to drive organizational transformation and business evolution through Business Agility.

Business Agility Club

Community of Practice

We are a community of professionals who are passionate about organizational evolution. At the Business Agility Club, we share ideas, experiences and knowledge that drive the growth of its members. Take part in inspiring meetings for free and expand your horizons with transformative content.


Our Services

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We believe that training leaders who are catalysts for organizational evolution is essential to ensure the success and longevity of businesses.

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Our courses train managers and specialists to lead organizational transformations that drive sustainable growth and the strategic evolution of the business.

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Our workshops promote the practice of Business Agility in organizations, training managers and specialists in communication, analysis and strategic planning.

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ABO Academy talks inspire organizational evolution, provoking deep reflection on the changes needed for sustainable business growth.


Sign up for free to the world's first executive education platform for Agile Business Owners and develop the essential skills that will make Business Agility a reality in your company.

    Cesta de Compras
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    Aproveite esta grande oportunidade e transforme
    sua carreira com os cursos da ABO Academy!

    📚 Programação de Cursos 2025:

    ✨ Ganhe descontos progressivos:

    • 5% de desconto para cada inscrição adicional no mesmo curso ou num curso diferente.
    • Máximo de 20% de desconto sobre o total da compra (5 ou mais inscrições).
    • Os descontos são aplicados automaticamente no carrinho.
      Mais fácil, impossível!

    💳 Facilidade no pagamento (cartão):

    • Divida o valor total em até 3x sem juros.
    • Ou em até 12x com juros, para maior flexibilidade.

    Acelere o crescimento em 2025 com as melhores práticas de gestão e liderança da Agile Business Ownership!

    📚 Programação de Cursos 2025:

    ✨ Ganhe descontos progressivos:

    • 5% de desconto para cada inscrição adicional no mesmo curso ou num curso diferente.
    • Máximo de 20% de desconto sobre o total da compra (5 ou mais inscrições).
    • Os descontos são aplicados automaticamente no carrinho.
      Mais fácil, impossível!

    💳 Facilidade no pagamento (cartão):

    • Divida o valor total em até 3x sem juros.
    • Ou em até 12x com juros, para maior flexibilidade.

    Acelere o crescimento em 2025 com as melhores práticas de gestão e liderança da Agile Business Ownership!

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